Magazine - Layout Analysis

This layout makes good use of white space and makes the eye flow from page to page with lines  flowing.
Just the right amount of information, not too much to be daunting to read.

Beautiful spacial awareness. Image reflects darkness of the type.

Neat and clear layout.

Small font makes it look like there is less to read.

Transparent stock gives the layout dimension.

Title page: font is quite dark and not delicate like beauty would normally be associated with. 
Quartered page works well and tells a story.

Page layout almost looks like it has kept the grid lines on. Geometric shapes.  I really like the use of writing on top the of the image, taking full advantage of space.

Lovely neutral colours

Cut off corners for image adds to the design. Black and white with a hint of colour works well.

Sometimes you can have too much space for the information. The text doesn't flow well. I am not sure where I am supposed to the be looking first. Bad hierarchy.

Not to my personal taste, but it works well. However, I feel that a border around the whole double page spread would work well to stop t from looking to image heavy.

Lovely example of how type doesn't have to be locked into a grid.

Bad example of type over image. Writing isn't readable and tracking on the title looks really bad.

I like this layout because it is clear and interesting. Browns, black and white. Transparency and contrast.