Suppose a friend Sandra Bullock Wedding irreparable

Sandra Bullock farewell news and Jesse James, who allegedly caused the affair was a presenter Monster Garage, making friends James irritated. Male friends are actually defending Bullock, who is considered far better than a tattoo model James affair. As quoted, one close friend James says: "I'm sure Sandy will leave after this, if he was my husband I would kill him, but of course he would not do it. I know he (James) asked for forgiveness, and I knew he felt guilty. She loved him but then he's a pig. " Friends James was blaming the environment, with motorcycle lovers who used to live wild. "I knew he was horrified by this but he should not do it (adultery), but of course the men's bike lovers alike. I have many years hanging out with them and they all played with a slut - more cheap the better - so I'm also not surprised, but I think he has changed. " This source also said he deeply regretted his actions. "I met him recently and he seemed quiet, he's really down. He knows he's sorry and wants to repair this damage, but I thought I could no longer. Sandy was not the type who can take this treatment lightly. It seems to be the end of the third marriage for Jesse, and this is sad, "said this source.