Poptropica and Diary of a Wimpy Kid are two of my kids' favorite things. When they aren't playing Poptropica online, they are reading Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I was amazed to discover the Wimpy Kid author Jeff Kinney is also the creative director and executive producer of Poptropica!
Although I was surprised, my kids were not. They did not know about it but imagined Kinney would be part of an exciting website such as Poptropica. We can't wait to see the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie this weekend!
Kinney has two boys of his own, ages 4 and 7. According to the Baltimore Sun, Kinney said, "As a writer, I've explored my own childhood very thoroughly. To know that what my children are going through now will one day be their childhood memories is exciting to me. I'm also excited to see if it might inspire me to write new material based on what I'm seeing of their childhood.
Do your kids love Poptropica and the Wimpy Kid as much as mine do? As much as they enjoy it, neither knows anything about Poptropica cheats for Reality TV Island or what that hype is about.
Here is YouTube video of Poptropica Reality TV Island walkthough and the trailer for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie. We can't wait to see the movie since my son is headed for junior high next school year. Time sure flies!