Schools in Pakistan training Afghan youths to act as suicide bombers

KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan parents who have sent their sons to schools in Pakistan say they're becoming increasing alarmed about the type of education their children are receiving. Rather than serve as centers of learning, many fear that these schools and madrassas are designed primarily to turn out a never-ending supply of suicide bombers. One father in Kapisa province, who asked that his name not be used because he was concerned about security, described the dramatic change his 18-year-old son had undergone after one year at a school in Pakistan. "My son is vehemently opposed to the government. He says suicide attacks are considered a superior form of martyrdom and courage in Islam, and that Muslims must wage a jihad against the Jews and their friends," he said. Students, his son told him, were shown footage of Americans and Britons being beheaded. "I'm not going to allow my son to go back to study in Pakistan again, because I know I will lose him," the father said. Many other families in the province are making the same decision. Public awareness of the issue has grown since Afghan television stations began broadcasting programs of students describing how their teachers in Pakistan groomed them to put on vests packed with explosives and detonate them once they approached vehicles belonging to international or Afghan troops. Full Story>>

Schools in Pakistan training Afghan youths to act as suicide bombers