Saudia Arabia: Genie Blamed For Attack

Saudi Arabia - Djinns or Genies are creatures with supernatural power in the Islamic religion. Like humans,They come in all shapes and sizes, and can be good or evil. Just like us. In fact, it’s believed in most Islamic traditions that Humans, Djinns and Angels are all the masterful creations of Allah. Only the first two (humans and Djinns) have free will. Angels more or less are just the messengers and warriors for Allah. A report from Emirate news, states that a Saudi man was out having a picnic with friends in an area known as “Wadi Al-Amak” or “the deep abyss”. Reputedly haunted, this location is said to harbor evil spirits. The picnic was going well, until one of the men began to change color and become aggressive in an unprovoked manner. After subduing the man, his friends took him into the city to get an exorcism going. Full Story>>

Saudia Arabia: Genie Blamed For Attack